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March 20 and September 23 are the two equinox days when there are 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness at any place on the Earth.

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Q: How does the number of hours of daylight compare to the number of hours of darkness on March 20 the first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere?
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How do seasons compare in northern and southern hemisphere's?

In the northern hemisphere, seasons are opposite to those in the southern hemisphere. For example, when it is summer in the northern hemisphere, it is winter in the southern hemisphere. This is due to the tilt of the Earth's axis and its orbit around the sun, which affects the distribution of sunlight and temperatures.

Does the southern hemisphere have more land than the eastern hemisphere?

There are no southern and eastern hemispheres; the Earth is divided into the northern and southern hemispheres by the equator and the eastern and western hemispheres by the Prime Meridian. However, the southern hemisphere contains less land than the northern hemisphere overall.

What is the definition of a hemiphere?

(often initial capital letter) half of the terrestrial globe or celestial sphere, esp. one of the halves into which the earth is divided. Compare Eastern Hemisphere, Western Hemisphere, Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere.

What is a definition of a hemisphere?

(often initial capital letter) half of the terrestrial globe or celestial sphere, esp. one of the halves into which the earth is divided. Compare Eastern Hemisphere, Western Hemisphere, Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere.

What is the southern hemisphere?

The southern hemisphere is the half of Earth that is south of the equator. It includes continents like Australia, Antarctica, most of South America, and parts of Africa. Seasons in the southern hemisphere are opposite to those in the northern hemisphere.

How does the sunlight you receive in the northern hemisphere compare to the amount in the southern hemisphere?

The amount of sunlight received in the northern hemisphere is generally more abundant than in the southern hemisphere due to the tilt of the Earth's axis. This tilt causes the northern hemisphere to be tilted towards the sun during its summer months, resulting in longer days and more direct sunlight. Conversely, the southern hemisphere receives less sunlight during its summer months.

Compare and contrast northern and southern hemisphere?

The northern hemisphere is located north of the equator and experiences summer during June to August, while the southern hemisphere is located south of the equator and has summer from December to February. The northern hemisphere includes countries like the United States and the majority of Europe, while the southern hemisphere includes countries like Australia and South Africa. Additionally, the seasons in the two hemispheres are opposite, with winter in one hemisphere coinciding with summer in the other.

How do the hemispheres of the brian compare?

The left hemisphere is more important for the production and comprehension of language than the right hemisphere

Which constellation is rigel found?

In Orion, on the lower right as seen from the northern hemisphere, a bright white-coloured star. Compare Betelgeuse at the opposite corner of Orion, a red giant. The colours are more visible in binoculars.

Compare the northern hemisphere over the southern hemisphere ozone depletion?

Depletion is depletion, everywhere. The size and duration of the ozone hole is a symptom of both how much water surface is located below it, and contaminants that require visible light to be photoactivated into ozone destruction. Don't be distracted by the size of the ozone hole.

What part of the hemisphere does US live on?

It's the north hemisphere because you can just look at a globe, locate the equator, and compare the location of the US to the equator, which is North.

How does the position of the earth's axis at the march and September equinoxes compare to its position at the summer solstice?

The sun is pointed on the light of that ray so it will make it comparison.