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Q: How does the numerical value of e change as the shape of the ellipse approaches a straight line?
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How does the numerical value of e change the shape of an ellipse?

The eccentricity of an ellipse, e, is the ratio of the distance between the foci to the length of the semi-major axis. As e increases from 0 to 1, the ellipse changes from a circle (e = 0) to form a more flat shape until, at e = 1, it is effectively a straight line.

How does numerical value of e change as shape of ellipse approaches straight line?

"e" will get greater. The eccentricity for a line is one and for a circle is zero. Since it is getting closer to becoming a line it will go up in value. ; ) "e" will get greater. The eccentricity for a line is one and for a circle is zero. Since it is getting closer to becoming a line it will go up in value. ; )

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Orbits are shaped like an ellipse, with the star at the focus. An ellipse does not have a constant radius.

Do satellites move in the same pattern as planets and stars?

Obviously. Since they move in an ellipse around the Earth (or other central body), they change direction all the time. The only way NOT to change direction would be to move in a straight line; satellites don't do that.

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Why does the position of the oceans ellipse change over the course of a given week?

because its gravitatoinal fo

Why does the position of the ocean ellipse change over the course of a given week?

The position of the ocean ellipse changes over the course of a week due to the gravitational forces of the sun and moon, which cause tides to shift. These forces create a cyclical pattern of high and low tides that vary throughout the week. Additionally, factors such as seasonal changes, wind patterns, and underwater geography can also influence the position of the ocean ellipse.

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the woodchuck would feel the temperature change and thats how i found my answer.

Will the numerical value of density change with changing units?

Yes, but not the true density.