The paper clip clings to the the magnet
There are only one property of a paper clip. The property to a paper clip is the testing.
A normal paper clip has 4 bends.
Yes, I think a paper clip has mass of about a gram.
The Length of a small paper clip is about 1 cm long.
That does not work.
The paper clip was not discovered. It was invented.
The paper clip clings to the the magnet
There are only one property of a paper clip. The property to a paper clip is the testing.
people use paper clips to keep their work papers tidy and not messy and keep things in one pile like teachers keep their working sheets and clip it on with a paper clip i prefer using a paper clip because it is light and not that hard to take off and put on
A metal paper clip will conduct electricity.
The paper clip inventor is John Vaaler
No, a paper clip will not float in mineral oil because mineral oil has a higher density than a paper clip. The paper clip will sink in mineral oil.
Paper clip APEX
The paper clip did not float on ethanol because ethanol is more dense than the paper clip. The paper clip is denser than ethanol, so it sank to the bottom when placed in the liquid.
Binder Clip or Paper Clip or a Staple.
magnet attracts iron. paper clip made of iron magnet atrracts paper clip...