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In the standard derivation of pendulum characteristics, at least through high school
and undergraduate Physics, an approximation is always made that assumes a small
angular displacement.

With that assumption, the angular displacement doesn't appear in the formula for
the period, i.e. the period depends on the pendulum's effective length, and is
independent of the angular displacement.

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Q: How does the period of a pendulum vary theoretically with angular displacement?
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How does the period of a pendulum difference theoretically with angular displacement and mass of ball for simple pendulum?

The period of a pendulum is independent of the angular displacement (within small angles) and the mass of the ball. It is only dependent on the length of the pendulum and the acceleration due to gravity. This is known as the principle of isochronism of the pendulum, first discovered by Galileo.

What are the factor affecting on the simple pendulum?

The factors affecting a simple pendulum include the length of the string, the mass of the bob, the angle of displacement from the vertical, and the acceleration due to gravity. These factors influence the period of oscillation and the frequency of the pendulum's motion.

How does a pendulums period vary with the length of its mass With Gravitational acceleration?

The length of the pendulum is measured from the pendulum's point of suspension to the center of mass of its bob. Its amplitude is the string's angular displacement from its vertical or its equilibrium position.

What are the physical parameters in the investigation of a simple pendulum?

The physical parameters in the investigation of a simple pendulum include its length, mass of the bob, angle of displacement, gravitational acceleration, and the period of oscillation. By experimenting with these parameters, one can analyze the motion and behavior of the pendulum.

How does the period of a pendulum vary theoretically with a angular displacement b mass of bob and c length?

(a) directly with its square root.(b) not at all if it can be considered as a point mass which is significantly greater than the "string". Otherwise corrections are necessary. (c) not if the angle is small. Otherwise corrections are necessary.

How does the period of a pendulum difference theoretically with length for simple pendulum?

The period is directly proportional to the square root of the length.

What is the maths of period of pendulum?

For small swings, and a simple pendulum:T = 2 pi root(L/g) where T is the time for one period, L is the length of the pendulum, and g is the strength of the gravitational field.

What is the pendulum equation?

The period of a simple pendulum is given by the formulaT = 2*pi*sqrt(L/g)where T = periodL = lengthand g = local acceleration due to gravity.Note that this formula is applicable only when the angular displacement of the pendulum is small. For a displacement of 22.5 degrees (a quarter of a right angle), the true period is approx 1% longer : a clock will lose more than 1/2 a minute every hour!

How does the period of a pendulum vary theoretically with (a) length (b) mass of bob and (c) angular displacement?

(a) directly with its square root.(b) not at all if it can be considered as a point mass which is significantly greater than the "string". Otherwise corrections are necessary. (c) not if the angle is small. Otherwise corrections are necessary.

How do you illustrate graph of a simple pendulum?

To illustrate the graph of a simple pendulum, you can plot the displacement (angle) of the pendulum on the x-axis and the corresponding period of oscillation on the y-axis. As the pendulum swings back and forth, you can record the angle and time taken for each oscillation to create the graph. The resulting graph will show the relationship between displacement and period for the simple pendulum.

What are the limitation of simple pendulum?

The popular formula for the period of a pendulum works only for small angular displacements. In deriving it, you need to assume that theta, the angular displacement from the vertical, measured in radians, is equal to sin(theta). If not, you need to make much more complicated calculations. There are also other assumptions to simplify the formula - eg string is weightless. The swing of the pendulum will precess with the rotation of the earth. This may not work if the pendulum hits its stand! See Foucault's Pendulum (see link). The motion of the pendulum will die out as a result of air resistance. Thermal expansion can change the length of the pendulum and so its period.

What kind of graph would result if the period of the pendulum T were graphed as a function of the square root of the length of the pendulum?

With a simple pendulum, provided the angular displacement is less than pi/8 radians (22.5 degrees) it will be a straight line, through the origin, with a slope of 2*pi/sqrt(g) where g is the acceleration due to gravity ( = 9.8 mtres/sec^2, approx). For larger angular displacements the approximations used in the derivation of the formula no longer work and the error is over 1%.