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Those speeds are equal, even though the speed of the light

was temporarily less while it was inside the glass.

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Q: How does the speed of light that emerges from a pane of glass compare with the speed of light incident on the glass?
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Why does a light ray incident on a rectangular glass slab immersed in any medium emerges parallel to itself?

When a light ray enters a rectangular glass slab at an angle, it bends towards the normal due to refraction. As it exits the glass slab, it bends away from the normal by the same amount due to refraction again. The angles at which the light ray enters and exits the slab are such that they cancel out the overall deviation, resulting in the emergent ray being parallel to the incident ray.

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When ultraviolet light is incident upon glass, the electrons within atoms in the glass absorb the energy from the light. This absorbed energy can cause the electrons to move to a higher energy state, leading to the emission of light in the form of fluorescence or phosphorescence.

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Light takes approximately 29 microseconds to pass through 8.7 cm of glass when incident perpendicular to the surface. This time is calculated based on the speed of light in glass, which is about 0.67 times the speed of light in a vacuum.

How does incident light emerge from a prism?

When incident light enters a prism, it is refracted due to the change in speed as it passes from one medium to another. The different colors of light have different wavelengths, causing them to refract at slightly different angles, which results in the separation of colors and the emergence of a spectrum of light.

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If a light ray is incident on a glass-to-air boundary at an angle greater than the critical angle, total internal reflection will occur. This means that all of the light will be reflected back into the glass medium and none will be transmitted into the air.

What is the Fate of the in infrared light incident on glass?

Typically, the IR energy is absorbed by the glass as heat.

How will you compare prism to raindrops?

Light is refracted and reflected by a (glass) prism Light is refracted and reflected by a raindrop

How does the average speed of light in glass compare with its speed in a vacuum?


Why is the emergent ray parallel to direction of the incident ray in a rectangular glass slab?

In a rectangular glass slab, the emergent ray is parallel to the incident ray because of the principle of refraction. When light enters a denser medium (like glass) from a rarer medium (like air), it bends towards the normal. As the light exits the glass slab and reenters air, it bends away from the normal. The combination of these two refractions results in the emergent ray being parallel to the incident ray.

What reflects most incident light?

Smooth, shiny surfaces like mirrors, glass, and polished metals reflect the most incident light due to their high level of reflectivity. Rough or matte surfaces tend to scatter or absorb more light.

Why is the glass around the bulb so thin?

The glass around the bulb is thin to allow light to pass through easily. Thicker glass would absorb more light and reduce the brightness of the bulb. Thin glass also helps to dissipate heat generated by the bulb efficiently.

The incident ray and the emergent ray will always be?

The incident ray and the emergent ray will always be parallel when light passes through a parallel-sided transparent medium like a glass block or a prism.