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Q: How does the tragic figure especially if he is a common man gain size?
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Well being a figure skater myself it is a good exersizing sport... Its fun and you can lose weight too.... But in time you do gain more muscles especially in the legs!

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Preteen weight gain is common if your going through a growth spurt

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Common-emitter gives more voltage gain because a common-collector amplifier has a voltage gain of 1. But a common-collector can have a power gain because the input impedance is much more than the output impedance.

Why is the pope guarded so well?

As with any public figure, especially someone as controversial as a Catholic pope, there is always someone who wants to see that person dead. Sometimes it is for political reasons, for religious reasons or simply to gain notoriety.

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CMRR is common mode rejection ratio. it is the ratio of Differential gain to common mode gain. CMRR=Ad/Ac

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Weight Gain Is a common side effect of Insulin

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If Beta is infinite, then the current gain will be unity.

Premature babies are especially likely to gain weight if stimulated by?

Touch and massage

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Anything can cause weight gain - especially if you don't watch your portion intake.

Why common emitter configuration is preferred?

Reason: The common Emitter mode has voltage and current gain better than the other two configurations(CB and CC). i.e it has a current gain greater than that of CC mode and greater voltage gain than that of CB mode.

Why is Mohandas Gandhi a historical figure?

because he used the path of non-violence to gain independence