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If the surface is sticky the energy needed to break the "sticky" ionic bonds will not be able to contribute to the motion of the object rolling down the inclined surface.

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Q: How does the type of surface of an inclined plane affect how far or fast an object rolls?
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How can a inclined plane change the effect of its speed?

An inclined plane can affect the speed of an object by decreasing it due to friction between the object and the surface of the inclined plane. The steeper the incline, the more the speed will be reduced. Additionally, the length of the inclined plane can influence the object's speed as it may take longer for the object to travel the length, thus affecting its overall speed.

Do the surface types on an inclined plane affect the speed of a hot wheel on an inclined plane?

I have no idea why.

A slanted surface used to raise an object is an?

a slanted surface used to raise and object is an inclined plane

Does friction makes objects move faster over an inclined plane?

No, friction tends to oppose the motion of objects moving over an inclined plane, which can make them move slower rather than faster. The amount of friction between the object and the surface of the inclined plane can affect how quickly the object accelerates or decelerates while moving.

Which kind of inclined plane pushes up more on an object a steeper or flatter one?

A steeper inclined plane pushes up more on an object than a flatter one. This is because the steeper the inclined plane, the more of the object's weight is directed perpendicular to the plane's surface, resulting in a greater normal force pushing up on the object.

Is any flat surface an inclined plane?

No. A flat surface which is horizontal is not an inclined plane.

Does changing the distance of a ramp in an inclined plane affect the amount of work being done?

No, changing the distance of a ramp in an inclined plane does not affect the amount of work being done. Work done on an object on an inclined plane is only dependent on the vertical height through which the object is lifted, not the distance along the inclined plane. Work done is calculated as the force applied multiplied by the vertical height.

How does making the slope of an inclined plane less steep affect the amount of force needed to move an object?

It requires less force to move an object up an inclined plane if the slope is less steep.

What is a inclined plane and example?

An example of an inclined plane is a ramp, slanted road, or a slide. An inclined plane is a surface that is at an angle against a horizontal surface.

What simple machine is a sloping surface?

A sloping surface is a simple machine called an inclined plane. It is used to reduce the amount of force needed to lift an object by lengthening the distance over which the force is applied.

Why is a ramp a n inclined plane?

A ramp is an inclined plane because an inclined plane is a set of a surface set at an angle that is not a right angle. In which a ramp is an inclined plane!

Can increase of length in inclined plane effect the work done?

Increasing the length of an inclined plane does not directly affect the work done. The work done on an object moved up an inclined plane is determined by the force applied over the vertical height, not the length of the plane. However, a longer inclined plane may require more time and energy to move an object along it, but the actual work done remains the same.