By using the inverse function - inverse operations in the reverse order.
If you are asked to think of a number,
(A) multiply by 7, and
(B) add 5,
the person "reading your mind" will start with your answer and
(B-1) subtract 5, and
(A-1) divide by 7.
Sometimes some of these are built into the process so that the "quizzer" has less to do.
Tell them to think of a number between 1-9. Tell them to double it Tell them to add, let's say, 4 Tell them to half it Tell them to tell them their answer and their answers would be 2. How? Easy. Half of the number you tell them to add after they double their, is the number they started with. In this case, 2 would be their starting answer because half of 4 is 2 It also works with odd numbers, if you're good at calculating decimals So remember. Think of a number. Double it Add a number of your choice Half it Ask for their answer. Half the number you told them to add Tell them And there you go, they'll think you're a mind-reader
The numeric number is 11, and, just to put your mind at rest, there is no non-numeric number.The numeric number is 11, and, just to put your mind at rest, there is no non-numeric number.The numeric number is 11, and, just to put your mind at rest, there is no non-numeric number.The numeric number is 11, and, just to put your mind at rest, there is no non-numeric number.
his IQ is over 300, don't think they can actually put a number on it as it seems to keep expanding since his mind was affected along with his boy by the cosmic rays
You don't need anybody else's list, when it's so easy to make your own.Here's how:-- At the top of a nice big sheet of paper, write down ' 3 '.-- In your mind, add 3 to the bottom number on the list, and write ' 6 ' under it.-- In your mind, add 3 to the bottom number on the list, and write ' 9 ' under it.-- In your mind, add 3 to the bottom number on the list, and write ' 12 ' under it.-- In your mind, add 3 to the bottom number on the list, and write ' 15 ' under it.-- In your mind, add 3 to the bottom number on the list, and write ' 18 ' under it.-- In your mind, add 3 to the bottom number on the list, and write ' 21 ' under it.-- In your mind, add 3 to the bottom number on the list, and write ' 24 ' under it.-- In your mind, add 3 to the bottom number on the list, and write ' 27 ' under it.-- In your mind, add 3 to the bottom number on the list, and write ' 30 ' under it.-- In your mind, add 3 to the bottom number on the list, and write ' 33 ' under it.-- In your mind, add 3 to the bottom number on the list, and write ' 36 ' under it.You can keep going like that for as long as you want to, building a list of numbersthat are divisible by ' 3 '. But you can never have a complete list of all numbersthat are divisible by 3. There are an infinite number of them, which would take youquite a long time, and a lot of paper.
Maths makes your mind think quickly and logicaly. You will think quicker while communicating.
The importance is to think of what your going to do next in the game or think of how to react
I think The Mind Bender.
To start have eye to eye contact and concentrate on what they think it is not easy but it works
a good inventor works hard, has a creative mind, and think hard
How the Mind Works was created in 1996.
Mind reader is an Mental Illusion flash game.It works truly & presents the image corresponding to your number in thought.It is not a magic but a clever idea behind simple mathematics. Whatever number you think & subtract the sum of its digits is always a multiple of Nine. Image all along the Multiples of Nine will be same & will be presented to you.
a cheetahs mind works instinctively like all animals mind works.
You can clear your mind and think about life. :). Or if a friend is in there with you, make up a game!
The subconscious mind is our soul which connects us with the infinite power, our subconscious mind does not recognize whats good or bad, therefore we become what we think about. If we think negative we will get negative results, if we think positive we will get positive results. That is our subconscious mind.
Tell them to think of a number between 1-9. Tell them to double it Tell them to add, let's say, 4 Tell them to half it Tell them to tell them their answer and their answers would be 2. How? Easy. Half of the number you tell them to add after they double their, is the number they started with. In this case, 2 would be their starting answer because half of 4 is 2 It also works with odd numbers, if you're good at calculating decimals So remember. Think of a number. Double it Add a number of your choice Half it Ask for their answer. Half the number you told them to add Tell them And there you go, they'll think you're a mind-reader
Any substance other than food can/will affect the way your mind or body works.
i think so im not sure i hope mega-mind 2 is good and i hope the city-maker are working on mega-sid.