

How does twisted pair look like?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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11y ago

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That's just two wires twisted together, one carrying a signal and the other carrying the ground for that same signal.

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Firstly, the question should be "What does an STP cable look like?". An STP cable (shielded twisted pair) looks pretty much exactly like a UTP cable (unsheilded twisted pair) except it has an extra layer of sheilding inside the outer casing that would shield the inner wires from electro magnetic interference.

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there are 2 categories of twisted pair calbes 1. un-sheilded twisted pair (UTP) 2. Sheilded twisted pair (STP)

When was twisted pair cable created?

Twisted pair cables were invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1881.

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The twisting in a twisted pair cable helps make the cable immune to electromagnetic interference. These cables are of two types: Shielded and unshielded twisted pair.

What are some of limitation of twisted pair wires?

twisted pair wire is limited in distance, bandwidth, and data rate.

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twisted pair wire is limited in distance, bandwidth, and data rate.

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