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F=mg (it says in the task), where m is mass of electron and g is the gravitational acc.

F=kQ2/r2 , where Q is the charge, r is the distance, k is constant

Deriving, the expression for distance is:


you should get that r = 5m

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Q: How far apart should two protons be if the electrostatic force exerted by one on the other is equal to the weight of one electron?
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What instrument should be used examine objects at greater than 200X?

electron microscope

What wavelength lambda should the astrophysicist look for to detect a transition of an electron from the n equals 7 to the n equals 3 level?

1005 m

Why is an elements atomic mass not listed as a whole number on the table?

There are two main reasons. The first is that the masses of protons and neutrons are not 1 unit but slightly greater. The mass of an atom is the mass of a whole number of protons, a whole number of neutrons as well as the same number of electrons as protons. Overall, therefore, the mass should be greater than the number of protons and neutrons (electrons have very little mass). But some of the mass is converted to energy which is used to hold the positively charged nucleus together. As a result the mass of carbon12 is an exact whole number and that is the only element for which that is true.The second, and possibly more relevant reason is that most atoms are found in the form of isotopes which have different numbers of neutrons and so different masses. The atomic mass listed for an element is an average of the masses of all these isotopes, weighted together according to their abundance of earth.

What is the formula for calculating work?

The formula for finding work is W=FxD. W being work, "F" being force that is or was in occurence, and "D" beind the distance the object is being moved. Example: MaryAnn is trying to figure out how much work she doing when she is exerting a force on a box, of 45.8 N ( newtons) and moving it 3.7 meters. Find Work. First you would find your force value, which would be 45.8 N. Then identify the distance , in this case its 3.7 meters. Multiply them together. Your answer should be 169.46. That is the amount of MaryAnn has exerted.

What is the formula of finding mass of molecules?

In principle, since due to relativity effects the energy stored in bonds inside the molecule contributes to the total molecular mass, to obtain a very accurate determination of the mass of a molecule the sum of the mass of the particles (protons, neutrons and electrons) calculated as if the particles would be insulated should be corrected for the effect of the chemical bonds. In order to do that a quantum representation of the molecule is needed.However this accuracy is rarely needed, the greatest number of times the mass M of the molecule is determined by adding the masses of the particles composing the molecule evaluated as if they were insulated: that is the following formula is usedM= Mp Np + Mn Nn + Me Newhere Mp Mn Me are the masses of insulated protons, neutrons and electrons respectively and Np Nn Ne are the number of such particles composing the molecule.If a first approximation is needed, the electronic term can be also neglected, due to the small mass of electrons with respect to the protons and neutrons.The above equation requires to compute the number of protons, neutrons and electrons composing each element (atom or ion) of the molecule. If we know the mass of each of those elements, we can replace the above equation with the sum of the mass of every element composing the molecule. In doing it however care has to be taken in not confusing similar entities with different masses, like isotopes or ions and neutral atoms.

Related questions

How many protons and electron in a barium atom?

Hey there are 56 electrons and 56 protons in a barium atom (protons usually=electrons) also you should have a look on the Internet for a periodic table and print it off it has helped me allot.

What are the 3 subatomic particles -?

Protons (positive), Neutrons (no charge), and Electrons (negative). The protons and neutrons are both found in the nucleus of the atom, which is at the center. The electrons are in the electron cloud surrounding the nucleus.

What is hold ions together?

In ionic bonding, an attraction is formed between a cation (which easily gives up an electron to be positive) and an anion (which easily accepts an electron to be negatively charged). An electrostatic coulomb attraction force is then felt between the two ions, holding them together (positive and negative charges attract). It should be noted that no protons are exchanged in the formation of an ion. The cation has an overall positive charge because the removal of electrons has exposed the positive charge of the nucleus. Anions seek greater stability through gaining electrons, completing the nearly-filled valence shell. Therefore, the coulomb attraction is actually between unscreened protons from the cation and the overcompensating electron cloud surrounding the anion.

What should i make to model titanium the atom?

Titanium atom has 22 protons and 24 to 28 neutrons; the electron shells have 2, 8, 10, 2 electrons.

How many proton electron neutron in Neon?

The protons and neutrons are packed together in the middle and the electrons have space to move, around them. logically their should be MORE neutrons and protons,but this depends on the size of the atom and how many atoms in the neon. info from SUSSEX UNIVERSITY.

What is an electricity?

AnswerElectric charge (or electrical charge) is nothing but property possessed by various particles including the protons and electrons in atoms. Protons always have a positive charge and electrons a negative charge. There are also other particles such as positrons which have a positive charge and anti-protons which have a negative charge. Many of these (protons and anti-protons) are also made up of quarks which have a charge of 1/3. An accumulation of particles with the same charge generates a larger and larger electrostatic field the more and more that accumulate. The magnitude of charge for a proton is +1.602 x 10 -19 Coulombs while that of an electron is -1.602 x 10 -19

Are neutrons and electrons held together by strong force?

Protons and electrons are held together in the atom through the electrostatic force of attraction. However, the electrostatic works between any particles, so it should affect protons and protons by making them repel each other and therefore blowing the nucleus of an atom apart. This does not happen because there is a second force at work; the strong nuclear force which (at separations larger than 0.5 femtometres to 3- 4 femtometres) is a attractive force which overcomes the electrostatic force of repulsion and therefore stop the atom being blown apart! hope this helps :)

The electrons of an atom are found in the nucleus along with the protons?

No, actually the nucleus contains protons (which have a positive charge +) and neutrons which are neutral meaning they have no charge. The electrons are located outside of the nucleus in the electron cloud. To figure out more, you should research the findings of Rutherford and Dalton.

What element's neutral atoms have 20 protons?

it is about the atomic number. Calcium is the element.

What makes nucleus stable?

The strong nuclear force must balance electrostatic forces in the nucleus

Gloria is making a model of an atom she is using three different colors to represent the three basic particles tthat make up an atom.Which particles should she display in the nucleus of the atom?

Gloria should display protons and neutrons in the nucleus of the atom. Protons are positively charged particles, while neutrons are neutral. Electrons, which are negatively charged, orbit around the nucleus.

What is proton-proton attraction?

Proton-proton attraction refers to the electrostatic force of attraction that exists between two positively charged protons. This force is one of the fundamental forces of nature that holds the nucleus of an atom together. It is responsible for overcoming the repulsive forces that exist between protons due to their like charges.