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Q: How far aways a quarry if you hear an explosion after 3.5 seconds?
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If workers in a distant stone quarry are blasting why can you feel the explosion in your feet before you hear it?

The reason you feel the explosion in your feet before you hear it is due to the difference in the speed of sound through different mediums. The shockwave travels faster through solid material (like the ground) than through the air, so you sense the vibrations in the ground before you hear the sound through the air.

Why do the people sitting at a distance hear sound at the same time as the people sitting nearby?

This will only happen if the distances are not that great so the difference in time is so small that it is not detected. Sound travels a few hundred metres per second in air. An explosion heard a mile away will be about 5 seconds after those near the explosion hear it.

Explosion-do you see it first and then hear it?

You FIRST see it, then you HEAR it. The time delay depends on your distance from the source of the explosion. The explanation, light travels faster than sound.

What is the duration of See Hear?

The duration of See Hear is 1800.0 seconds.

If there is an explosion some where but no one can hear it is there a sound?

In my opinon: Yes.For me sound is irrespective of listener.

What would the sun sound like if you could hear it?

A big explosion that never stops.

Can Thomas Edison hear with his left ear?

Yes, it is his right ear he cant hear out of. He was deffend during an explosion when he was trying to invent the lightbulb

What two physics mistakes occur when you see and hear an explosion from outer space in movies?

1.that you see the explosion and hear it at the same time , while you should see first and here it later. 2.that sometimes there is smoke which immposible since there is no air.

Why can't we hear explosions?

If you can't hear explosions, you need a doctor. Perhaps we are too far away, or there is another noise which is masking the sound of the explosion.

What was the biggest volcanic explosion in the world?

Krakatoa the biggest volcanicexplosion. The explosion was so big u could hear it from Indonesia to Madagascar which happened 10 days ago

What two physics mistakes occur when you see and hear a distant explosion at the same time?

The two mistakes are that sound travels slower than light, so if you see and hear a distant explosion at the same time, the explosion actually happened some time earlier. Additionally, the speed of light is much faster than the speed of sound, so the light from the explosion will reach you much sooner than the sound.

When an explosion in the atmosphere occurs Why do you see lightning before the thunder heard?

Lightning is light, which travels faster than sound. So when an explosion occurs, you see the lightning first as it travels to your eyes at the speed of light, while the sound of the thunder takes longer to reach your ears, causing a delay between the two.