112.5 miles
The number of miles that you can go at the speed of 1.15 miles per hour is(1.15) multiplied by (the number of hours you can keep going).
45 miles in three hours at 15 miles per hour.
840 miles.
84 miles18 miles/hour * 3 hours = 54 miles15 miles/hour * 2 hours = 30 miles54 miles + 30 miles = 84 miles
112.5 miles
The number of miles that you can go at the speed of 1.15 miles per hour is(1.15) multiplied by (the number of hours you can keep going).
45 miles in three hours at 15 miles per hour.
840 miles.
84 miles18 miles/hour * 3 hours = 54 miles15 miles/hour * 2 hours = 30 miles54 miles + 30 miles = 84 miles
This question is invalid. To know how long it is going to take you to reach a destination, you need to know the speed of how fast you're going and how far. If you're going 85 miles an hour, it will take you 1 hour. If you're going 1 mile an hour, it will take you 85 hours. Keep in mind that this is how long it would take if your destination is 85 miles away.
I have no idea what a trcuk is, but if it is traveling at a constant 65 mph for three hours, it will go 195 miles. 65 miles per hour times 3 hours.
Shouldn't the question be "How long do you drive if you go 52 miles at 65 mph?" Then the answer is 52/65 hours
4.2 miles.
It's simple multiplication. If you are driving at 65 miles per hour, and you are going to drive for 5 hours, multiply 65 by 5 = 325 miles.
65 miles
3 * 63 = 189. Units cancel each other - hours * miles/hour = miles.