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Q: How far can you see at 100 feet high?
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350 feet ahead

How far can dolphin see?

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High beam lights should enable you to see how far?

I do believe that it's between 1000 and 1200 feet

High beam lights should enable you to see?

A: 100 feet B: 200 feet C: 350 feet D: 450 feet E: 500 feet Correct Answer: C

What do the numbers 20 100 mean for visual acuity?

See an object at 20 feet that a normal eye would see at 100 feet.

What does 20 100 vision mean?

Having 20/100 vision means that a person can see at 20 feet what someone with normal vision can see at 100 feet. This indicates poor visual acuity and may require correction with glasses, contact lenses, or surgery.

What do the numbers 20 in 20 20 vision mean?

To the general public, 20/20 vision means that you can see at 20 feet what an average person should be able to see at 20 feet. If you had 20/100 vision, it would mean you would have to be 20 feet away from something to see it whereas other people would generally be able to see that same object from 100 feet away. You would have VERY POOR vision. If you had 20/5 vision, it would mean you would see from 20 feet away those objects which people would generally have to be within 5 feet of to see clearly. You would have EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD vision. So the numerator (top number) is how far away YOU are standing to see clearly. The denominator (bottom number) is how far away the AVERAGE PERSON would need to stand to see clearly.

How far can a wolf see in light?

a wolf can see 85 to 100 yards

How many feet do oncoming traffic see high beams?

450 feet.

What is a centiped?

It means 100 feet/legs - centi (100) ped (foot) Most centipedes don't have exactly 100 feet however, see also millipede

How far can a 3 month old baby see?

5 feet