45 mph = 45 miles/hour
(45 miles/hour) (1hr/60 minutes) (1 minutes/60 seconds) (5 seconds) = 0.0625 miles in 5 seconds
Note: If you write the fractions above with a horizontal slash instead of a diagonal slash, it is easier to see what cancels out to make this problem work the way it does.
440 feet
6.6 meteres or 20 feet
55.3846 seconds (rounded)
40 miles = 60 minutes. 40 / 360 * 13 = 1.444 where: 40 = miles, 360 = seconds in an hour, 13 = seconds. The car will travel approximately 1.4 km in 13 seconds.
4.5 seconds.
440 feet
880 feet.
6.6 meteres or 20 feet
A car can go up to 75 mph in 5 seconds Answer - At 60 MPH you would travel 88 feet per second. 5 x 88 = 440 feet in five seconds.
410.3 feet.
880 feet.
30 feet.
55.3846 seconds (rounded)
It travels 308 feet every three seconds at 70 mph.
6.82 seconds.
40 miles = 60 minutes. 40 / 360 * 13 = 1.444 where: 40 = miles, 360 = seconds in an hour, 13 = seconds. The car will travel approximately 1.4 km in 13 seconds.
17 minutes 27 seconds at 65 mph