One light year, which is 9,500,000,000,000km, or 9.5 trillion kilometers.
A 'light-year' is a distance calculated by how far light can travel in one standard year. A 'light-minute' is how far light can travel in one minute. Earth is about 8 light-minutes (93,000,000 miles) from the Sun. 14 light-years in space is going to be about 84 trillion miles, a huuuuge distance!
880 feet.
1 mile
5 cm
Radio wave travel faster than sound wave. Radio wave is the same as light wave except at different wavelength. It travel at speed of light (3 x 108 m/s). Sound wave travel at only 330 m/s and probably can go up to 3,300 m/s in solid medium which is far slower than the speed of light.
The question is too vague for an answer. It depends on the intensity of the radio wave source.
If there's nothing to stop it, any electromagnetic wave, such as radio or light, covers 25,902,068,370 kilometers (16,094,764,800 miles) in 24 hours.
Radio waves can travel indefinitely through space until they dissipate or are absorbed by particles in space. The farthest man-made radio signal, the Voyager 1 spacecraft, has been transmitting radio signals back to Earth from over 14 billion miles away.
Speed of light 3.0*10^8 m/s times 5 seconds = 15*10^8m
200 miles
2000 km
Secondary waves, also known as S-waves, travel at about 3.7 km/s through the Earth's crust and mantle. In 10 minutes, a secondary wave would travel approximately 22,200 kilometers.
* It depends on how it is travelling. * * An electromagnetic wave, e.g a radio wave would travel about 7,000 feet * * Electricity travelling down a cable would travel at the speed of light multiplied by the velocity factor of the cable. In an averagely good co-axial cable with a velocity factor of 0.8 electricity would travel approximately 5600 feet in 7 microseconds.
in about three miles