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Q: How far is 1000 steps?
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About how far is 1000 feet?

1000 feet

How many steps does it take to hatch a Pokemon egg?

usually 1000 to 2000 steps

How far is 752 to 1000?

1000 - 752 = 248

How many km is 1000 steps?

1 km

Where do you get volcanic ash in Pokemon sapphire?

You just walk through the ashy grass outside fallabor town (route 113) and it'll automatically picks it up for you. when you have enough you can then go to the house of the man who gave it to you and there is a list of things you can get from it. Blue flute- 250 steps Yellow flute - 500 steps Red flute - 500 steps White flute - 1000 steps Black flute - 1000 steps Pretty chair - 1000 steps Pretty desk - 8000 steps

How far have you walked if ive took 3350 steps?

How far did I run if I ran for 20 minutes and stepped 3350 steps

How far is 20000 steps?


How far is 1000 meters in kilometers?

1 km = 1000 m

How long does it take for a torterra to breed?

500-1000 steps

How many steps are in 1000 miles?

2 million

How far is 1000 meters in yards?

1000 Meters = 1093.6133 Yards