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It is the perimeter of the shape

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Q: How far is it around any shape in math?
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What tells how far around the shape?

The circumference of a shape measures how far around it. It is the total length of the boundary of the shape. For circles, the circumference is given by the formula C = 2πr, where r is the radius of the circle.

What has molecules that can spread far apart to fill any shape or container?

Gases have molecules that can spread far apart to fill any shape or container. The particles in a gas are in constant random motion, allowing them to quickly fill the available space.

Things shaped like a rambus?

The answer will depend on what you mean by "rambus" It is an American technology company and, as far as I am aware, does not have any particular shape.The answer will depend on what you mean by "rambus" It is an American technology company and, as far as I am aware, does not have any particular shape.The answer will depend on what you mean by "rambus" It is an American technology company and, as far as I am aware, does not have any particular shape.The answer will depend on what you mean by "rambus" It is an American technology company and, as far as I am aware, does not have any particular shape.

What are the codes for math in Pearson hall math?

the answer is as far as you can see into your mouth

What shape is a pixel?

A pixel is usually represented as a square, but in reality, it can be any shape depending on the display technology and resolution.

How did math began?

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away.........

Math in athelitics?

How fast you run, how far you throw, how high/far you jump.........

What is a run in math?

a run in math is referring to slope, which is rise over run. rise is how far you travel up, and run is how far you travel over.

As a science student what subject should I study to become an automobilist?

Science and advanced math will get you far in life for any job requiring preparing things, and could be used for strategies, Math matters in almost every job!

What is the definition of length in math?

How far from end to end

What will happen if you don't take math and you score good marks in science?

It is possible to understand scientific concepts without math, however, that will only take you so far. Any kind of serious scientific work depends upon a considerable knowledge of mathematics. Math is the language of science.

Is math 103 the highest math?

No and Math 103 is actually the Intro to Precalcuclus/There is also 170 and 180 infact it goes to 197 is as far as I got