it is 630.83522583901085036588443098663 times around the earth
From earth to the moon.
A long time ago- around Christopher Columbus's time- people use to think that the Earth was a cube. Scientists now know that the Earth is a sphere. There is also evidence that it is if you don't believe that - but i highly doubt that. Astronauts that have landed on the moon have seen the Earth and have taken photographs of the Earth. They show that the Earth is a sphere. All the planets that the scientists have discovered so far have all been spheres.
There is no moon IN the Earth. There is one moon ORBITING AROUND Earth.
That refers to the imaginary line, from the north pole to the south pole, around which Earth rotates.That refers to the imaginary line, from the north pole to the south pole, around which Earth rotates.That refers to the imaginary line, from the north pole to the south pole, around which Earth rotates.That refers to the imaginary line, from the north pole to the south pole, around which Earth rotates.
The circumference of the earth is about 40,075 km or 24,901 miles
That's 4 times as much as going once around the Earth. The distance around the Earth is about 40,000 kilometers, or 40 million meters.
it is 630.83522583901085036588443098663 times around the earth
If you were hanging up in space, far over the Earth's north pole and looking downat the whole system, you would report that the Earth is revolving around the suncounterclockwise.But . . .If you were hanging up in space, far over the Earth's south pole and looking downat the whole system, you would report that the Earth is revolving around the sunclockwise.
its has around 24 000 miles circumference
About 12,500 miles which is half the distance around the earth.
if your talking about the ones that Saturn and Jupiter have well then earth has no rings around it
When the Apollo astronauts were in orbit around the moon they were the furthest any human had been from the earth.
30 days
About 12,500 miles which is half the distance around the earth.
It's a star that is similar our own sun and is around 2000 light years from earth.
The galactic center is somewhere in the neighbourhood of 24 - 26,000 light years (around 7,600 parsecs) from Earth.