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About 150 million km, or 150,000,000,000 meters.

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Q: How far is the earth from the sun in expanded form and in standard form?
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How do you write 3.085 in standard form?

That IS the standard form, as far as I know.

How far form the earth is your planet?

Er ... which planet exactly do you think that we come from? As far as science can discover, Earth IS the only planet with life on it, so you're asking how far Earth is from Earth.

How far mercury from the sun in standard form?

Mercury orbits around the sun at an average distance of about 57.9 million kilometers. In standard form, this distance would be expressed as 5.79 x 10^7 kilometers.

How far under the Earth's crust do diamonds form?

About 100 miles

What job use standard form?

having jobs such as a mathematician uses standard form. Being an astronomer needs standard form, because you're working with such enormous numbers as planets are so far away. also being a scientist needs standard form because you're working with small numbers too.

How far earth is from the sun in standard notation?

93,000,000 miles,or in Scientific Notation:9.3 *10 miles.

How far is the eath form the sun?

The distance of earth from the sun is about 93,000,000 miles

How far away form the earth is the moon in km?

The moon is 384,400 kilometers away.

How far is Saturn from Earth right now?

The distance between Earth and Saturn varies as both planets orbit the Sun. On average, Saturn is about 1.2 billion kilometers (746 million miles) away from Earth. The exact distance can be determined using astronomical tools like telescopes and spacecraft.

Is the word furtherest a real word?

No, "furtherest" is not a standard word in English. The correct superlative form of "far" is "furthest."

How far away is earth form the sum?

150 million km. As long as you mean "from the sun".

Why is there not a Sheetz in Alabama?

They haven't expanded that far South yet.