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Q: How far will swimmer 2 go in 30 sec?
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50 mph x 0.4 sec = 291/3 feet

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Is there a swimmer named michaela?

Yes there is a swimmer named michaela but she didn't go to the Olympics or anything.

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hey, would you happen to go to telopea??? Is this for your math assignment??? Coz im doing the same question! who is this??

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SEC-Go Gators

How do you convert cm sec - meters hr?

cm/sec, yes? ok, divide by 100 to go from cm to m. then multiply by 3600 to go from sec to hr

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Objects in the Solar System, near Earth, usually have speeds between 30 and 42 kilometers per second. Since Earth moves at 30 km/sec, a head-on crash between Earth and a meteorite may occur at a speed of up to about 72 km/sec.

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A cheetah can run up to 75 mph in short bursts go as far as about a third of a mile and can go from 0 to 64 mph in a matter of 3 sec.

What moves a swimmer forward in the water?

The answer is: The swimmer exerts a reaction force on the water.

There is a square field of side 10m in front of a house If a man takes 40 secs to go round the square path once then find the magnitude of the displacement after 2 mins and 30 secs?

if the man makes one circuit in 40 sec, he will make 3 3/4 circuits in 2 Min., 30 Sec or 150 Sec. so his displacement from his starting point is 10M..

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you go down to the left and their a button it is a timer press the button and you have about 30 sec. to go to the top again and jump threw the hole

How long is a school cheerleading routine?

It depends on the level: Prep Op Silver- 30 sec. - 1 min. Prep Op Gold and Platinum- 1 min. & 10 sec. Level 7 and up- 1 min. & 30 sec.