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Work = (force) x (distance)

Minimum Force needed to lift an object is the weight of the object.

Work = energy = (mass x gravity) x (height)

1,000,000 = (1 x 9.807) x (height)

Height = 1,000,000 / 9.807 = 101,968 meters = about 63.4 miles.

Technically, that's a slight overestimate. If we're dealing with an operation that

ranges that far away from the surface, then we also need to consider that ' g ',

the acceleration of gravity, is going to taper off somewhat during the ascent.

At 100 km above the surface, gravity is reduced by about 3.1% from its value

at the surface, so less force is required to keep lifting as the flour rises, which

is a fortunate coincidence, since the effectiveness of the yeast does progressively


In any event, this problem is a perfect example of one that really needs to be

solved by integration, like so many others in our modern multicultural society.

But we'll leave off here, and stick with the the round estimate of 102 km.

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Q: How far would 1 Kg of flour be lifted using one megajule of energy?
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