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Q: How far would 2000000 paperclips laid end to end stretch?
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...would stretch around the equator 2 and a half times!

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THe same size as when it was laid. Bird eggs don't stretch

How many times would a million dollars circle the earth?

Not even once. The length of a U.S. dollar is 15.6 centimeters. Laid end to end a million dollar bills would stretch for 156 kilometers or about 97 miles.

If we laid out all your blood vessels how far would they stretch?

They could stretch around the entire planet 2 times.

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How far does one million pennies stretch?

A Lincoln cent is 1.55mm thick, so a stack of one million would be 1,550,000mm tall, or about 5,085 feet. A Lincoln cent is 19.05mm in diameter, so one million laid side to side would be 19,050,000mm long, or about 62,500 feet, or 11.83712 miles.

If five million one pound coins are laid edge to edge along the M1 starting from leeds and south how far will they reach?

5 Million One Pound coins placed edge to edge would stretch for 112.5 kilometres. Travelling via the M1, that would put you somewhere in the vicinity of Nottingham.

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no one would get laid

Something laid by a bird?

That would be an egg.

Is rope stretchable?

All rope stretches because it consists of materials at an angle to the load putting tension on the rope, and they try to straighten when pulled. How much the rope can stretch, and at what point the stretch weakens the rope, depends upon the materials used and the rope construction - laid up or braid, and the combinations of these.

How long would one million dollars be laid out end to end?

A million dollars laid out from end to end would be 96.91 miles long. That would also be 155.96 kilometers.