It depends on how far they've been falling and how they started falling.
A bullet shot out of a gun aimed straight downward will travel faster than a ball dropped from the same height. And the speed will not remain constant. It will accelarate at a rate of 32 ft/sec2 until it reaches a terminal velocity due to friction. In other words, it will get faster as it gets closer to the earth.
45.5 mph
The answer to that is 40-56 mph i quess
186.4 mph
183.3 mph
10.9307639 m/s 39.350750 km/h 24.4514224 mph Decking time: 1.115384 Seconds (Time from start of fall to ground)
At about 180 mph if you fall out of an aeroplane with no parachute.
45.5 mph
The answer to that is 40-56 mph i quess
Objects in free fall near Earth fall at a rate of approximately 9.8 meters per second squared, known as the acceleration due to gravity. This means that for each second an object falls, it will increase its speed by 9.8 m/s.
69 mph It can be any speed but probably about 60 mph
46.6 mph
150 mph
it is 161.6 mph
1536.029586624 MPH
About 8.7 MPH
5.11 mph