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Q: How fast does salmonella multiply?
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How does salmonella work on a cellular level?

salmonella makes your cells multiply. dont eat raw meat or you will die

What does salmonella require to grow?

Salmonella needs raw or uncooked meat to survive and multiply organisms. Salmonella needs raw or uncooked meat to survive and multiply organisms.

What does salmonella typhi feed on?

Salmonella typhi is a bacterium that feeds on nutrients found in the human body, especially in the intestinal tract. It can also survive and multiply in food, water, and other environments where conditions are favorable for its growth.

What is natural barrier in your body that can prevent salmonella entering your inestines?

The stomach acid is a natural barrier in the body that helps prevent the entry of Salmonella into the intestines. The acidity of the stomach creates an unfavorable environment for bacteria like Salmonella to survive and multiply. This acts as a protective mechanism against ingested pathogens.

How does salmonella spread in the body?

i honestly dont know!! anyone who knows how they attack it would be very helpful if you could answer and answer fast!!:/

What is the latin name for salmonella?

The Latin name for Salmonella is Salmonella enterica.

Is salmonella enterica and salmonella bongori species of salmonella?


Does fish and chips have salmonella in it?

No they do not have salmonella in it only if they get contaminated then it is possible for some to have salmonella?

What is salmonella a type of?

salmonella is a type of food poisoning salmonella is a type of food poisoning

What is the common name for Salmonella?

The common name for Salmonella is bacterial food poisoning.

Is there a form of salmonella such as salmonella-D?

Yes there is.

What is the genus nme for salmonella?

Genus Salmonella.