There are different types of glass so there is not a single answer. The speed of sound is approx 4,000 metres per second ( range 3500 - 4500 ms^-1).
In any medium whose refractive index is 1.52, the speed of light is c/1.52 = 0.658 c =197,231,880 meters per second (rounded)
It will depend on the type of glass, and something called its refractive index. All materials have a refractive index which will effect the speed of the light through it. The speed of light through a vacuum is 3.0x10^8 m/s, and a material such as glass will be lower than this.
It is not just glass, it is true for all media though which light can travel. If water [raindrops] did not, then you would never have a rainbow! The refractive index of a medium is a measure of the average refraction - as measured for white light. In fact, the angle of refraction depends on the wavelength of the light.If the two interfaces between the two media (air to glass and glass to air, for example) are parallel then the different refraction at the first interface is exactly offset what happens at the second interface. So a beam of white light gets split up into the spectrum at the first and recombines into a beam of white light at the second interface. However, if the two interfaces are not parallel - as in a prism, or a raindrop, the result will be white light being split into the spectral components.
White light is made up of 7 colours. When put through a prism like a raindrop or a glass block, the 7 colours all travel at different speeds, because some slow down more than others. Thus, light is dispersed into it's spectrum
1.Wrinkling skin in water 2. plants moving water to stem 3.a substance moving through a barrier
5000 meters per second
Sound travels through brick at a speed of approximately 3,510 meters per second. This speed can vary slightly depending on the type of brick and its density.
It will travel with speed about 0.844 meter per second
Infrared waves travel at the speed of light, which is approximately 299,792 kilometers per second in a vacuum. This speed can vary slightly depending on the medium through which the waves are traveling, such as air or glass.
Yes, both light and sound can travel through glass. Glass is transparent to light, allowing it to pass through without significant absorption or scattering. Sound can also travel through glass, but with some attenuation due to its denser nature compared to air.
The speed of sound through glass is 3962 metres per second, which is about 13000 feet per second. In normal air, sound travels at a speed of 343 meters per second and in water the speed is 1,433 metres per second. Sound travels at a speed of 5,000m per second or 11,160miles per hour through steel. The speed of sound is dependant upon the medium through which it is travelling and not on the loudness or pitch. For instance, sound travels much better through water than through air.
In one nanosecond, a photon of light energy will travel approximately 0.3 meters in a vacuum, which is the speed of light.
Light can travel through transparent and translucent glass.
No, apart from "spacetime". But it CAN travel through a medium such as air or glass.
Light can be transmitted down glass fibre optic cables for 100 km before needing to be boosted. This is of course special extra transparent glass.
It depends on how thick the glass is and how strong the magnets are.