To make this conversion, first know that 1 km/hour is equal to 0.62 mph. If you multiply this number (0.62) by the number of km you're trying to convert (130), you will get your answer: ~81 mph.
It is81.25 miles per hour
around 130 miles per hour
130 knots = 149.6 mph
130 minutes
In an hour you can move 3 miles. Not so fast.
It is81.25 miles per hour
80.78 mph
It can go 130 miles per hour. The 85 mile per hour was just a government thing.
210 kilometers per hour is 130 miles per hour.
To convert kilometers per hour to miles per hour, you can multiply by 0.6214. Therefore, 130 km/hr is equal to approximately 80.78 miles per hour.
130 miles per hour would be 210 kilometers per hour ( 209.21472 to be exact )
around 130 miles per hour
130 knots = 149.6 mph
130 minutes
130 knots , 150 mph
about 53 miles per hour
About 25.3 miles per hour.