it is 180 feet per second. 90 feet per half a second. 45 feet per quarter second.
in other words, it traveles about a mile in 32 seconds.
It is 130 Feet per second.
Convert 3000 fps to mph
280 feet per second is 190.91 miles per hour.
26.2 miles in 180 minutes means you must average 8.73 miles per hour for the entire distance.
8.73 MPH.
It can vary from 2000-2800 + FPS
In a snail, YES. In a bullet, NO!
FPS stands for Feet Per Second. This is how fast the manufacture rates to BB or pellet as it comes out of the barrel. A slow FPS is around 250 FPS a very fast FPS is around 1200 FPS a few rifles can attain over 1500 FPS. Airsoft guns rarely get above 500 FPS because the projectile is so large.
anywhere from 250 FPS to 600 FPS, depending on the model.
FPS stands for "Feet Per Second" this is an average speed for most air pistols. It's fast, but some high powered air rifles can reach over 1000 fps
For and airsoft gun. Yes that is 200 fps over the CQB limit
145 fps
400 fps
Anywhere from 500-4000 fps
up to 6000 fps
Depends on the bullet weight and the length of barrel it is fired from. There is a range of about 2700 fps to 3250 fps for that cartridge. Averages out to around 3050 fps.
FPS is the measurement of speed in feet per second. Depending on what kind of bullet you are talking about, bullets can travel as fast as 4400 fps. Here are a few examples: 9mm-about 1050 fps. .45ACP-about 900 fps. 5.56mm-about 2700-3300 fps. .50bmg-about 2900 fps.