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80 KM per hour.

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Q: How fast is a car moving if it travels 240 km in 3 hours?
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One car travels 20 km hr faster than another While one of them travels 240 km the other travels 180 km Find the speed of the fast car?

Difference in distance covered = (240 - 180) = 60 kmBut since speeds differ by 20 kph, difference in distance is (20 x #hours).60 = 20 x #hours#hours = 60/20 = 3 hours.Fast car covers 240 in 3 hours ---> 80 kphSlow car covers 180 in 3 hours ---> 60 kph

What is the average speed if a car travels 240 kilometers in 2.5 hours?

240/2.5 = 96 kph

What is the average speed in kilometer per hours of a car that travels 240 kilometer in 4 hours?

60 KPH

What is the avg speed of a car that travels 240 miles in 6.2 hours?

38.71 mph

What is the average speed in kilometer per hour of a car that travels 240 kilometer in 4 hours?


What is the average speed in kilometers per hour of a car that travels 240 kilometers in a 4 hours?

60 kph, which is derived from taking the 240 kilometers it has travelled total and dividing by the four hours it took to traverse said distance.

Hoe many hours is 240 miles?

depends on how fast you drive....if you drive an average speed of 60mph it would be around 4 hours

How many hours are 240 minutes?

240 minute = 240/60 = 4 hours

What is the average speed in kilometer per hour of a car that travels 240 kilometer in 4 hours show your work?

240divided by 4 = 60 kph

How many days in 240 hours?

there are ten days in 240 hours

How many calories burned walking a mile thorough town?

90-240 per mile, it really depends on how fast you're moving.

What is the speed of a car that travels 240 km in 6 hours?

To work this out just divide the distance travelled by the time taken. In this case the answer is an average speed of 40kph.