It would depend on the size of the circular item you are rotating. Divide the circumference of the item ( in meters) into 272.23, and then multiply the answer by 60 seconds, to get rpm.
To convert speed from meters per second (m/s) to revolutions per minute (RPM), you need to know the circumference of the rotating object. Without that information, it is not possible to directly convert mach 0.8 or 272.23 m/s to RPM. RPM is a measure of rotational speed, whereas mach is a unit of relative velocity to the speed of sound.
Mach 500 means 500 times the speed of sound. The speed of sound in air is somewhere around 350 meters/second. If you multiply that, you get approximately 175,000 meters/second, or 175 kilometers/second. Note that the speed of sound can vary, depending on several conditions.
1,126 ft/s
Mach 6 is about 4,449.3 mph
Mach 1 is the speed of sound, which is 343 meters per second, or 343 m/s. Mach 8 is 8 times faster than the speed of sound . 8 X 343 2,744 m/s or 2.74 km/s
Rounded to two decimal places, Mach 1 is equal to 761.21 miles per hour. Multiplying this by 1.6 gives us 1217.38 miles per hour.Converting 1217.38 miles per hour to metres per second gives us 544.46 metres per second.
Mach 3.6 = 2,740.34 mph
Mach 6 is six times the speed of sound, which is approximately 2,300 meters per second (or 5,100 miles per hour). At Mach 6, an object would be traveling at around 6,917 meters per second (or 15,459 miles per hour).
Mach 500 means 500 times the speed of sound. The speed of sound in air is somewhere around 350 meters/second. If you multiply that, you get approximately 175,000 meters/second, or 175 kilometers/second. Note that the speed of sound can vary, depending on several conditions.
612.5 meters per sec
Supersonic speed is defined as speeds greater than the speed of sound, which is approximately 343 meters per second (767 mph) at sea level. Aircraft flying at supersonic speeds typically travel at speeds ranging from Mach 1 to Mach 5, or roughly 343 meters per second to 1716 meters per second.
Mach one is the speed of sound, which is about 761.2 miles per hour (340.3 meters per second). Mach two is twice the speed of sound, which is about 1,522.4 miles per hour (680.6 meters per second).
1,126 ft/s
Mach 3.2 refers to traveling at 3.2 times the speed of sound. The speed of sound varies depending on altitude and temperature, but at sea level and room temperature, it is approximately 343 meters per second. Therefore, Mach 3.2 would be about 1,100 meters per second.
Mach 0.8-1.0
Mach 1.7 is equal to about 1294 mph.
Mach 6 is about 4,449.3 mph
645.38104_MPH_">645.38104 MPH-is 0.87 Mach -