The thunder always comes after the flash. Depending on how far away the lightning hit, the thunder will reach you after different times. The sound travels at roughly 340,20 m/s, so an easy-to-remember rule is that if there's a flash and you count to three seconds, it is roughly 1 km away.
yes,but it happens in a split second depending on how fast you run!
4.5 meters in 9 second how fast in kilometer per hour?
1,000 milliseconds
What is the largest animal in the world
The answer is in the question. 40 m/s is how fast it is going. This means in one second, the object has traveled 40 meters. Relatively fast compared to walking or driving.
I was like as fast as a lighting boult
About 186,000 miles per second
lighting can happen in a split second. LITERALLY.
Thunder travels at the speed of sound, which is approximately 1,125 feet per second (343 meters per second) in air at room temperature. The speed of sound can vary depending on temperature and humidity levels in the atmosphere.
Even though the lightning and thunder occur at roughly the same time, you would see a distant strike before you would hear it, because the light travels to you about 882 thousand times as fast as the sound does.
Even though the lightning and thunder occur at roughly the same time, you would see a distant strike before you would hear it, because the light travels to you about 882 thousand times as fast as the sound does.
no it is very slow and weak . Light travels very fast: 300,000 kilometres per SECOND!
The name Thunder means strong and fast.
Yes. A storm must produce lightning in order to be considered a thunderstorm. It is a thunderstorm because of the thunder common in such storms. Thunder is caused by the lighting. The lightning going through the air causes an increase in air pressure and temperature forcing the air to move fast enough to cause a sonic boom which is the thunder.
lighting travels at the speed of light
Pertty fast like fast as lighting speed
The car Was as fast as lighting