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he was going over 200 miles per hour

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Q: How fast was dale going when he hit the wall?
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What does Dale Earnhardt Sr. and Pink Floyd have in common?

Their biggest hit was "The Wall"

Dale Sr was blocking the driver and got bumped. This caused Dale to crash. Who was he blocking?

Sterling Marlin is the one who hit Dale Sr leading him into the wall for his final appearance.

How was Dale Earnhardt Sr's crash fatal?

Dale Sr's death was ruled as a basilar skull fracture. Dale's car hit the concrete wall at a critical angle at roughly 160 mph, killing him instantly.

How fast was titanic going when it hit?


Who hit Dale Earnhardt Sr's car in the 2001 Daytona 500?

Not a who but a what, it was the force of his car hitting the wall at over 180 mph, head on. There is no one to blame, it was just a horrible accident, a chance that all drivers take when they get behind the wheel of a race car.

What is knicks?

its when you hit the ball so fast that if you have the accuracy it will hit the space where the wall and the floor meet and it will roll

What is a knick?

its when you hit the ball so fast that if you have the accuracy it will hit the space where the wall and the floor meet and it will roll

How fast was the titanic going when they hit the iceberg?

26 knots.

How was the Titanic wrecked?

it hit an iceburg because it was going too fast.

How can you tell how fast the person was going if the person flew 47 feet Car hit a kid on a bike?

the ? is how fat is the kid that is how you will know how fast he was going

How fast was the titanic going when she hit the iceberg?

22 knots

How fast was the plane going when it hit the world trade center?

700 mph