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Q: How fast would you have to run to run 1500m in 5 minutes?
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How many minutes would it take to run 2.5 miles?

It depends how fast you run. Between 10 and 30 minutes, probably.

How fast would you have to run to do 21 km in 100 minutes?

2 minutes and a half per km

How fast would someone who can run a 4minute mile run a km in?

They would run 1 km in 2 minutes 29 seconds.

How fast would you have to run to run 1800 meters in tweleve minutes?

9 km per hour

How do 1500m runners run so fast for so long?

Runners run fast by having a diet of yam, bananas some energy drink such as lucozade, powerade or mountain dew. This also gives runners a load of energy so that they can run a long distances

Is it possible for someone to sprint 1500m if yes then how is it possible?

No its not possible because it is too far a distance, the best way to run a 1500m race is to start of fairly fast but not too fast. After that run at a steady pace until the last 300m then sprint it. Remember to stretch and drink plenty of water. Also be determined, the more determined you are, the more you'll push yourself to win.

How fast would you run in minutes per mile if you ran 3.3 miles in 25.24 minutes?

25.24/3.3 = 7.648 minutes per mile (rounded)

You run 60 minutes how many miles you have run?

That depends on how FAST you run.

How fast would you have to run to get two miles in eight minutes?

15 mph, 4 minute mile

How fast would you have to run to go 5 miles in 30 minutes?

10 miles per hour.

Which events has Kelly Holmes won medals for?

The 800m run and the 1500m run.

How fast do you have to run to run 2400 m in 12 minutes?

2400 m per 12 minutes