

How foucoults pendulum works?

Updated: 12/9/2022
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14y ago

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Newton's three laws of physics describe the concept of force. The laws of force are only valid in "inertial reference frames," which means that they are only correct according to observers that are not accelerating (i.e. observers that are either standing still, or moving with constant speed).

The Earth is NOT an inertial reference frame (though for most cases it can be approximated as one, since the acceleration of an object on Earth is small). Since Earth is accelerating, Newton's laws are not 100% valid according to someone that is rotating with Earth. What this means is that a person on Earth, measuring the force on some object on Earth, will find that there are forces acting on the object which have no actual cause via interaction with other objects.

Due to Earth's rotation, an object moving along the surface of Earth with some velocity will appear to have a force acting on it which causes it to travel in a circle. A Foucalt pendulum exhibits this phenomenon. The pendulum seems to change its swinging direction at the same rate as Earth's rotation. See for some animations on this.

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Doubling the mass of a pendulum will not affect the time period of its oscillation. The time period of a pendulum depends on the length of the pendulum and the acceleration due to gravity, but not on the mass of the pendulum bob.

What are the limitation of simple pendulum?

The popular formula for the period of a pendulum works only for small angular displacements. In deriving it, you need to assume that theta, the angular displacement from the vertical, measured in radians, is equal to sin(theta). If not, you need to make much more complicated calculations. There are also other assumptions to simplify the formula - eg string is weightless. The swing of the pendulum will precess with the rotation of the earth. This may not work if the pendulum hits its stand! See Foucault's Pendulum (see link). The motion of the pendulum will die out as a result of air resistance. Thermal expansion can change the length of the pendulum and so its period.

Which factor affects the period of the pendulum?

The period of a pendulum is affected by the angle created by the swing of the pendulum, the length of the attachment to the mass, and the weight of the mass on the end of the pendulum.