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Hit "Y plot" and insert your equation, then hit graph.

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Q: How graph a picture on a ti-84 calculator?
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How do you graph an equation in standard form?

On my graphing calculator, a TI84 Plus, I can enter the equation into the Y= (a button) and then graph it by hitting the Graph button.

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Short answer; you can't. But you can purchase (or borrow) a TI84 calculator and use the TI83's transfer cable to transfer data from the 83 to the 84 to your mac computer (the TI84 comes with a USB transfer cable).

What is a picture put into a graph?

A picture put into a graph is a picture put into a graph

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picture graph

How do you key a cube function into your TI84 calculator?

Either press the carat button followed by a 3 or go to the math function and select cubed.

What is a difference between a picto graph and a picture graph?

a picture graph is an actual picture of the item being graphed and a picto graph is a symbol of the item being graphed

What are picture graphs of atcient Egypt?

a "picture-graph" or "pictograph" is a egyptian picture formed as a graph.

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How do you graph x is more than 4 on a TI84 graphing calculator?

Press your Y = button, press X, press second button and then catalog. Press up button to save time and scroll up to > and press enter. then 4. This, >, symbol may be someplace else, but I do not renumber where and all symbols are in the catalog.

Pictograph kind of graph?

Its a picture graph