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Q: How has Thales contribution in geometry helped life today?
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What was Euclid's most significant contribution to field of mathematics?

Euclid wrote "The Elements", in which he made many rules that define the geometry taught in schools today.

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What was thales contribution to chemistry?

Thales of Miletus is considered one of the first philosophers and scientists in ancient Greece, known for his contributions to geometry and astronomy rather than chemistry. His work focused on understanding the nature of matter and the basic principles that govern the universe, laying the foundation for future scientific inquiry. While his ideas influenced later developments in chemistry, his direct contributions to the field are not well-documented.

Are Euclid's Elements still used today?

Yes. The geometry taught in today's public schools is based on Euclidian geometry.

What is thales experiment?

Thales of miletus (an ancient greek city) experimented with electromagnetics and in that way created what today we know as static electricity. He waved a rod over a cloth with thingees on it and created electromagnetics.

What are the contribution of Egyptians in geometry?

Just think of the pyramids in Egypt and all the work and geometrical expertise that the ancient Egyptians needed to construct these colossal structures that still stand today after thousands and thousands of years.

How does Euclid impact us today?

Euclid was the father of Geometry and he acualy dicovered it and we use Geometry

Who invented geometry?

It evolved in 3000 bc in mesopotamia and egypt Euclid invented the geometry text in Ancient Greece. His methods are still used today. It is generally attributed to Euclid, a Greek mathematician. In fact, basic geometry is called even today "Euclidian geometry".

How is Euclid's work used today?

Euclid's work was geometry, many jobs use geometry such as engineers and architecture

Greek mathematician known for his theories in geometry?

You're probably referring to Euclid, whose theories on geometry are still used today, hence "Euclidean Geometry". If it's not Euclid , Pythagoras was also quite well-known for maths, geometry and the like. You're probably referring to Euclid, whose theories on geometry are still used today, hence "Euclidean Geometry". If it's not Euclid , Pythagoras was also quite well-known for maths, geometry and the like.

How did the ancient Eqyptions use geometry?

Exactly in the same way as we use geometry today for their constructions of pyramids and land measurements.