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Q: How has the untouchability act helped in reducing inequality in the society?
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What is the basis of india's caste system?

In ancient times it was based on a division of labour which helped society to perform its varied functions effectively. Nowadays all it is, is discrimination - pure and simple.

How do you write the scientific notation for 17 billion?

I believe it is 1.7 x 1013 1.7 because you can only have 3's 1-9 in sci notation and 13 because 17 billion has 12 zeros, you add one because you are reducing 17 to 1.7 Hope this helped and didn't confuse you!! xoxo :-)

When did the the Roman Numerals start being used?

Hope I helped xxxxxxxx Hope I helped xxxxxxxx

Why sets of system inequality?

These type of problems can be helpful in decision making, for example you have a limited number of resources (such as a certain amount of land to farm), then you can create inequalities that describe costs and benefits to plant certain types of crops. An area which represents the possible solutions of cost and benefit will be bounded by the inequality lines. I helped my daughter with an algebra word-problem similar to this (I wish I had it handy). A horse breeder who had a choice between raising quarter-horses or thoroughbreds. Each type of horse would need a certain amount of pasture, and each type would bring in a different amount of money when sold. There were a couple of other constraints, which when graphed, created a bounded area on a cost/benefit graph. The goal of the problem was to find out the optimum number of each type of horse to raise, in order to maximize profits.

How do clocks help us?

Clocks have helped us get things done on time. Clocks have helped us a lot.

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she helped change society's thinking she helped change society's thinking

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In the society where color has been eliminated, it has helped create a sense of uniformity and conformity among individuals, promoting equality and reducing discrimination based on appearance. However, the absence of color has also led to a lack of diversity, creativity, and personal expression, potentially stifling individuality and freedom of choice.

Who helped through his ideas to understand in the understanding society?

Gandhiji helped through his ideas to understand in the understanding society.

Name the people who have helped the society?

There are many people who have helped the society in many ways!People Like Albert Einstein,Thomas Alva Edison,Graham bell have helped the society from the technological view.People like Mahatma Gandhi,Mother Teresa,Subhash Chandra Bose have helped the society from the social point of view.Even the person who cleans the roads is a helper of the society!

How did Durkheim explain functional and conflict perspective?

Durkheim explained functional perspective as looking at how elements in society work together to maintain balance and stability. Conflict perspective, on the other hand, focuses on how power dynamics and inequality lead to societal conflicts and change. Durkheim's work helped contribute to a better understanding of how society functions and evolves.

The introduction of vaccines to the United States helped by?

The introduction of vaccines to the United States helped by reducing the incidences of deaths by many diseases.

What did Martin Luther King did that helped change Americans?

Martin Luther King, Jr. helped many black Americans with his activism against inequality and by giving his "I have a dream" speech.

How has guns helped society today?

the are cool.

What was Oprah's contribution to society?

She helped out Haiti.

Did Marie Curie harm society?

Marie Curie did NOT harm society, she only helped it.