lbs are pounds, so half a pound would be half a lb
1,500 Ten Pound notes would add up to 15,000 Pounds.
You would multiply pounds by the ounces per pound.
2 pounds
There are 16 oz per pound. Two pounds would be 32 oz. 24 oz would be 1.5 pounds.
33 pounds would weigh 33 pounds. Thank you for your question.
On Mars, the gravitational pull is about 38% of that on Earth. Therefore, a 100-pound man would weigh about 38 pounds on Mars.
A person weighing 150 pounds on Earth would weigh about 2,352 pounds on the Sun due to the Sun's stronger gravitational force.
A pound is a measurment of weight. The weight of a pound does not change. Therefore, a pound of "fjhfjhdfh" would be equivalent to a pound of "abc" or "xyz", they would all be as heavy as a pound.
250000 pounds in 20 pound notes would weigh 12500 pounds, as you would have 12500 notes.
lbs are pounds, so half a pound would be half a lb
There will be more feathers but the weight will be the same :10 pounds of feathers 10 pounds of gold 10 pounds of each <><><> In MOST cases, would agree with the above, but GOLD is different. Gold, Platinum, and all precious metals are measured in TROY ounces and TROY pounds, where feathers are measured in ordinary (avoirdupois) pounds. A TROY pound has 12 ounces instead of 16, and is not as heavy as a standard pound. This is the rare case of a pound NOT being a pound.
To the nearest 10 pounds, 218.99 pounds would be 220 pounds.
600 pounds sterling in 2-pound coins would weigh 300 pounds.
a pound of turkey
The weight of a person remains the same regardless of their speed. So, a 200-pound man would still weigh 200 pounds at 70 mph. Speed does not affect a person's weight.
A 100-pound person on Earth would weigh about 236 pounds on Jupiter due to Jupiter's stronger gravity.