If it's the length of a driveway, then its height is zero.
If you stand it up on one end, it reaches to about 557.7 feet off the ground.
170 cm = 1.7 meters
170 meters = 185.91 yards.
170 cm = 1.7 meters
170 square feet = 15.8 square meters.
170 cm = 1.7 metres
170 square feet is equivalent to about 15.8 square meters.
170 meters = 557.742782 feet.
170 square meters = ~1,830 (1,829.86477) square feet.
0.17 km is equivalent to 170 meters. This conversion can be done by multiplying the distance in kilometers by 1000 to get the equivalent distance in meters.
170 metres squared
Multiply by 100: 1.68 x 100 = 168cm
0.3 km 170 meters 5300 cm = 1,715.88 feet.