specific application of statistics in education - when a teacher computes the grades of students statistic is appiled
It is important in any statistic measure
Probably their average grade / GPA ;-)
An important statistic is the percent of rooms filled each night.
Any decision based on the test statistic is marginal in such a case. It is important to remember that the test statistic is derived on the basis of the null hypothesis and does not make use of the distribution under the alternative hypothesis.
Physical education is important
It is like a training for your brain
specific application of statistics in education - when a teacher computes the grades of students statistic is appiled
It is important in any statistic measure
because education is important to do anything even to play hockey
first spell EDUCATION right that sucks if you are a women because education is obviously important for you....... first spell EDUCATION right that sucks if you are a women because education is obviously important for you.......
The learning partThe learning partThe learning part
Education in the southern colonies were important
no, its not.
Not very, for they are black and do not deserve an education
physical education is important to our health and this is also important to the players like me and lovely ...... this answer from babes ann and lovely agraviador