10.444444 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its rational equivalent is 10444444/1000000 which can be simplified, if required.
Rational, since it can be displayed as a fraction. In this case, -5,501/100.
2.14= 2 14/100 = 2 7/50
23/100 23 is a prime number, therefore can only be displayed like this
---Manipulated, which is also called the independentvariable.
There cannot be a whole fraction. If it is a fraction it is not whole and if it is whole it is not a fraction.
As a decimal fraction, yes.
A fraction of 360 degrees
Rational, since it can be displayed as a fraction. In this case, -5,501/100.
2.14= 2 14/100 = 2 7/50
23/100 23 is a prime number, therefore can only be displayed like this
2.13" can be several different things. It can be a measurement of distance or it could be a mathematical number. 2.13 as a fraction would be displayed as 213/100.
613 is a prime number, so the simplest form would be:613 / 100it can also be displayed as 6 and 13/100
The line separating the numerator and denominator when displayed as one number over another is called Vinculum, or sometimes referred to as the fraction bar. If the line is a slanting line (such as in "9/10"), it's referred to as the solidus.
The fraction 2/8 is equivalent to 1/4, as 1*2=2 and 4*2=8. By the way, you can multiply a fraction like 1/4 by 2/2 because 2 divided by 2 is one, and so you are only changing the numbers displayed, but the value of the fraction stays the same, as the numerator and denominator increase at the same rate, proportionally.
It is displayed in a museum in Oslo, Norway
It should be displayed in a clean environment, with all of its components and possibly functioning while being displayed.
rank is displayed on their website