it is true it is greater than 11 and less than 13
39/13 is already an improper fraction. Its numerator which is 39 is greater than its denominator, 13.
No, 0.89 is not greater than 11 13. When comparing two numbers, you can line up the decimal points and compare the digits from left to right. In this case, 11 13 is equivalent to 11.13, which is greater than 0.89. The whole number 11 is greater than 0, and the tenths place value of 13 is greater than 8, making 11.13 greater than 0.89.
11/15= 11 ÷ 15= 0.73313/20= 13 ÷ 20= 0.65therefore 11/15 is bigger than 13/20.
it is true it is greater than 11 and less than 13
NONE.The number that is greater than 11 but less than 13 is 12 and 12 is an even number.
39/13 is already an improper fraction. Its numerator which is 39 is greater than its denominator, 13.
1/2 = 0.503/13 = 0.23therefore, 1/2 is greater than 3/13.
No, 0.89 is not greater than 11 13. When comparing two numbers, you can line up the decimal points and compare the digits from left to right. In this case, 11 13 is equivalent to 11.13, which is greater than 0.89. The whole number 11 is greater than 0, and the tenths place value of 13 is greater than 8, making 11.13 greater than 0.89.
13/15 is greater than 17/20
Pick any integer n, greater than 1. Then (n*13)/(n*14) is an equivalent fraction.
11, 13, 17, 19