Add 12 to the number representing hours, from 1:00 pm to just before midnight.
In the 12-hour clock system, the time "07:10" is equivalent to 7:10 AM. The 12-hour clock system divides the day into two 12-hour periods - AM (ante meridiem) from midnight to noon, and PM (post meridiem) from noon to midnight. Therefore, 07:10 in the 12-hour clock system indicates 7 hours and 10 minutes after midnight, or in the morning.
It's 10 times, not eleven, check on your watch.
12 hour clock but could say the time in a 24 hour clock Analogue describes construction, not hours. It can be either.
12 hour clock's have am and pm. 24 hour clock's (military time) is 00:00 through 23:59. Midnight on a 12 hour clock is 12:00am, on a 24 hour clock is 00:00. So 23:59 would be 11:59pm.
Add 12 to the number representing hours, from 1:00 pm to just before midnight.
10 minutes after midnight would be 12:10 AM. This is because each hour on the clock consists of 60 minutes, so after midnight (12:00 AM), adding 10 minutes would bring you to 12:10 AM.
It starts at 12 noon and continues until midnight
A twelve hour clock has 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 and is the standard form time clock. A 24 hour clock has times starting at 1-12, but after it will start with 13 as 1 p.m. all the way to 24 or 00 as 12 midnight.
Yes we do. We usually measure AM from midnight to 12 noon, and PM from noon to midnight. However - travel-orientated situations use the 24-hour clock to avoid confusion.
Zero hour is midnight. Based on a 24 hour clock 0 hour would be 12:00am to 12:59.59999. Once the clock reaches 1am or zero one hundred then the zero hour is gone. I hope that helps!
The clock strikes midnight at 12:00 AM.
In the 12-hour clock system, the time "07:10" is equivalent to 7:10 AM. The 12-hour clock system divides the day into two 12-hour periods - AM (ante meridiem) from midnight to noon, and PM (post meridiem) from noon to midnight. Therefore, 07:10 in the 12-hour clock system indicates 7 hours and 10 minutes after midnight, or in the morning.
1200 hrs. There is no such corresponding time for midnight. Reason midnight could be either '0000' or '2400'. , but which day does it refer. So midnight on the 24 hour clock does not occur. You have either 2359 hrs (on a given day) or 0001 hrs. ( the next day), that is 2 minutes later. .