As a 'light-year'
Light travels at 186000 miles per second in vacuum.
There is 1.61 kms in 1 mile. 186000 miles converted to kilometers is 115,527.95.
299,337.984 km per second.
The approximate distance that light travels in one second.
As a 'light-year'
If that's 'miles' then it's better known as "approximately 'c ' ".
Light travels at 186000 miles per second in vacuum.
186000 miles per second = 186000 * 1.61 km per second.
There is 1.61 kms in 1 mile. 186000 miles converted to kilometers is 115,527.95.
186000 mps
186000 mps
299,337.984 km per second.
186000 miles per second
The approximate distance that light travels in one second.