In decimal form, 13.2 is written as 13.2. This number consists of a whole number part (13) and a decimal part (0.2), separated by a decimal point. The decimal part represents a fraction of one whole, with the digit 2 in the tenths place indicating 2/10 or 0.2.
decimal equivalent for -132 = -132.0
.132 You just move the decimal two places to the left.
The number in the question is written in decimal form!
0.0658 IS in written form!?
132% = 1.32
132 is a decimal number
decimal equivalent for -132 = -132.0
.132 You just move the decimal two places to the left.
132% = 1.32
139 thousands written in decimal form = 0.139
7.4 is already written in decimal form.
The number in the question is written in decimal form!
The number in the question is written in decimal form!
0.0658 IS in written form!?
15.5 is already in decimal form.
63.5 is in decimal form. If you mean 63.5% then it is 0.635 in decimal form.
132% = 1.32