4.6 billion is equal to 4,600,000,000.
Ten billion (10,000,000,000*) expressed in standard form is: 1.0 × 1010*this is the standard notation
Expressed in numbers, 0.8 billion is equal to 800,000,000.
Expressed in figures, this is equal to 35,860,000,000.
Expressed in numbers, 4.6 billion is equal to 4,600,000,000.
1 billion can be expressed as 1 x 109.
its expressed $1,000,000,000
One billion is expressed as a 1 followed by nine zeros: 1,000,000,000 1.2 billion then would be expressed a a one, followed by a 2, and then followed by eight zeros: 1,200,000,000
Expressed in numbers, this is equal to 100,000,000,000,000,000,000, or 1 followed by 20 zeroes.
100 billion minus 1 million is 99 billion 999 million. In standard form it is expressed as: 99,999,000,000
The value of one billion is noted as a 1 followed by nine zeros. 1.4 billion would be expressed as 1,400,000,000, with a total of eight zeroes.
4.6 billion is equal to 4,600,000,000.
Ten billion (10,000,000,000*) expressed in standard form is: 1.0 × 1010*this is the standard notation
Expressed in numbers, 4674.2 billion is equal to 4,674,200,000,000.
Expressed in numbers, 0.8 billion is equal to 800,000,000.
Expressed in figures, 1.63 billion is equal to 1,630,000,000.