As a fraction the decimal number .01 is 1/100
01 = 1
Usually number over .01 and under 1,000 are not written in scientific notation, however .85 would be written as 8.5 x 10-1.
Today's conventional conversion of 01 10 2009 into Roman numerals is I-X-MMIX However, the Romans themselves would have probably written the number 2009 as MMVIIII.
Saturn's atmosphere is made up of 96% hydrogen, 3% helum, .4% of methane, .01% of ammonia, .01% of Hydrogen Deuteride and .0007% Ethane.
8, each number is a fifth of the last.
.01(0) The last zero isn't necessary.
As a fraction the decimal number .01 is 1/100
As a fraction the decimal number .01 is 1/100
01 = 1
Usually number over .01 and under 1,000 are not written in scientific notation, however .85 would be written as 8.5 x 10-1.
kno 1 nos
Today's conventional conversion of 01 10 2009 into Roman numerals is I-X-MMIX However, the Romans themselves would have probably written the number 2009 as MMVIIII.
(0.1 + 0.2) ÷ 2 = 0.15
01 is the lowest.