45 billion, 672 million, 345 thousand, 618
It is: 2,345,000
Standard form and expanded form are not the same. Standard form refers to writing a number using digits, such as 345. Expanded form, on the other hand, involves breaking down a number into its individual place values, such as 300 + 40 + 5 for the number 345. While both forms represent the same number, they are different ways of expressing it.
34 235 345 in word form is thirty four million two hundred thirty five thousand three hundred forty five.
345 = 3.45 × 10²
2,345,000 sometimes written as 2 345 000
45 billion, 672 million, 345 thousand, 618
It is: 2,345,000
Oh, dude, it's like super easy. You just write 345 as 345.0, and boom, you've got yourself a decimal. That's it. Like, no big deal.
Standard form and expanded form are not the same. Standard form refers to writing a number using digits, such as 345. Expanded form, on the other hand, involves breaking down a number into its individual place values, such as 300 + 40 + 5 for the number 345. While both forms represent the same number, they are different ways of expressing it.
34 235 345 in word form is thirty four million two hundred thirty five thousand three hundred forty five.
Q 345 a
345 % = 345/100 = 69/20.