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Q: How is 700000000 written in standard scientific notation?
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How do you know if a number is written in scientific notation?

If it is written in scientific notation it will have x10 to a certain power if it is standard it won't

Is standard notation scientific notation?

It is one of the great ironies of Mathematics that "standard" is not standard. In the US, standard notation is a number, like 953, which would be written in scientific notation as 9.53 x 10^2 In Britain, scientific notation is also known as "standard form."

How is one trillion written in standard form?

Standard Notation: * 1,000,000,000,000 Scientific Notation: * 1.0X1012

What is 54.73 in standard scientific notation?

54.73 written in standard scientific notation is 5.473 × 10^1.

How is 8.62 trillion written in standard notation?

8.62 trillion written out is 8,620,000,000,000 is 8.62 x 1012 in standard (scientific) notation.

What is 48.9 x 10 to the third power written in scientific notation?

Scientific notation: 48.9 x 103 Standard notation: 48,900

What is standard notation mean?

It's not scientific (scientific is 3.424 * 10 ^ 5; sometimes written 3.424e+5) notation.\

What is the difference between scientific notation and standard form?

Scientific notation (also called standard form or exponential notation) is a way of writing numbers that accommodates values too large or small to be conveniently written in standard decimal notation.

What does 36.1look like when written in standard notation?

36.1 is already in standard notation. The standard form(also called scientific notation) of 36.1 is: 3.61 × 101

What is 2.6X105 written in standard notation?

If you mean scientific notation of 2.6*10^5 then it is 260,000

What is the standard notation OF 0.7 million?

As far as I am aware, standard notation is just the common form of the number, as opposed to "scientific notation" which saves a hell of a lot of zeros being written all over the place. 0.7 million in standard notation is simply 700,000. But in scientific notation could be written as 7x105.

Is 6.1 10² in scientific notation?

Yes. 6.1 x 102 is in scientific notation. It becomes 6100 written in standard form