89% = 0.89 or 89/100
To convert 89/6 to a mixed number, divide the numerator (89) by the denominator (6). This gives you 14 with a remainder of 5. So, the mixed number is 14 5/6.
89/8 = 11 1/8
8.9 as a mixed number in simplest form = 89/10
287 and 89/100
89% = 8,900
89% = 0.89 or 89/100
It is: 6 and 89/100 as a mixed number
To convert 89/6 to a mixed number, divide the numerator (89) by the denominator (6). This gives you 14 with a remainder of 5. So, the mixed number is 14 5/6.
89/8 = 11 1/8
4 and 89/100
It is: 1 and 89/1000
8.9 as a mixed number in simplest form = 89/10
287 and 89/100
389 is an integer and can't be a mixed number. 3/89 is a proper fraction and can't be a mixed number. 38/9 = 4 and 2/9