The ratio of 90 to 18 is written as 90/18
90/110can be written as18/22or9/11
Numbers over 20 are usually written as numerals, according to most styles. However, short words like "ninety" may be seen in both forms.
The number 90 is written out in words as such: ninety. You should spell out a number rather than write it in number form in particular scenarios, such as if you are beginning a sentence with a number.
45words per min
As an exponent, 90 would be written 90 .
90 = ninety.
in words ninety in numbers 90
The ratio of 90 to 18 is written as 90/18
The phrase "90 Dollar Words" generally characterizes large words with complex, or "bloated" meanings. A few examples of "90 Dollar Words" would be "Endoplasmic Reticulum, Superfluous, and Plasticity."
90 = 2*3*3*5